Pelaburan Pada Rambut Dan Kesan Nya
Pelaburan pada rambut anda adalah penting untuk kesihatan dan kesejahteraan keseluruhan anda. "When you look good, you tend to feel good too ". Walaupon dewasa ini , kita telah mula sedar dan perihatin berkenaan dengan aspek kesihatan kita, namun mas
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang biasa ditanya mengenai Rawatan Keguguran Rambut
Apakah sebab utama keguguran rambut? Keguguran rambut boleh berlaku disebabkan oleh pelbagai faktor. Ini termasuk faktor sejarah keluarga, perubahan hormon, dan masalah kesihatan yang mendasar. Untuk menentukan punca utama kehilangan rambut anda, pen
Common questions people have about Hair Growth Treatment
What is the primary reason for losing hair ? - Hair loss can occur due to various reasons. These can include factors like family history, hormonal changes, and underlying medical conditions. To determine the main cause of your hair loss, a comprehens
5 Causes of Acne Formation
Why Does Acne Occur? Acne can be caused by several different factors, including: Hormonal fluctuations, specifically instability in hormone levels. Stimulation of androgen hormones can lead to increased sebum/oil production, which increases the like
4 Reasons Why Acne Should Be Treated Promptly.
4 Reasons Why Acne Should Be Treated Promptly. Acne is not just a problem for teenagers; it can occur at any age. Some of us may suffer from acne for years and be left with many scars. Here are 4 reasons why we need to treat acne early: Achieve bett
Why is 'Rejuran Healer' Treatment Very Popular?
You may have heard or read about 'Rejuran Healer' or 'Rejuran Salmon PDRN' from aesthetic or dermatology doctors. But why is Rejuran so popular? The main concept behind Rejuran Healer is focused on rejuvenation and protection. Polynucleotides (PN), t
Here's What You Need to Know About Pico Laser Treatment.
The name "Pico" has recently gained popularity in aesthetic medicine. It has become one of the most popular aesthetic treatments in Malaysia. Pico laser is not a laser machine brand or a trademark, but a laser technology. PICO LASER TREATMENT IS A LA
Do You Have Questions About Pico Lasers?
Many people have been messaging us on WhatsApp asking about Pico laser treatment. Some have heard about Pico laser from social media, advertisements, and friends, but there are still many unanswered questions. Here are some of the frequently asked qu
Small Bumps on the Face? Cholesterol Bumps?
Many of us have small lumps or bumps on our faces, and we often hear them referred to as "cholesterol deposits." But did you know that not all of them are caused by cholesterol? Xanthelasma (cholesterol deposits) Xanthelasma is a skin condition cause
Eliminate Your Pigmentation!!
Eliminate Your Pigmentation!! Pigmentation issues are very common in Malaysia, caused by intense sunlight, genetics, daily activities, lifestyle choices, occupation, health problems, or side effects of medications. However, many patients take the wro
PICO Laser Treatment Has its Risks. Some Are Unsafe.
Nowadays, there are many places offering PICO Laser treatments. PICO Laser treatment is a type of treatment that uses a high-powered laser machine on the skin to eliminate pigmentation such as freckles or to remove scars like acne scars. But did you
I need REJURAN, which one should I choose?
TYPES OF REJURAN If you search or seek advice regarding Rejuran treatment, you will find several types of Rejuran available for different purposes. What's the difference? Why are they different? Which Rejuran do I need? 1. REJURAN HEALER Contains: P
What is Seborrheic Keratosis?
Seborrheic Keratosis, also known as raised freckles or warts, is a common skin growth that occurs in adults, primarily due to aging. Seborrheic keratosis, often referred to as warts or raised freckles (aka Seborrhoeic keratosis), is a harmless skin g
Do You Need to Wear Sunscreen Indoors?
Sunscreen or sun protection cream is a skincare product commonly used to protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight, including ultraviolet (UV) rays. However, many people wonder if it's necessary to wear sunscreen indoors or at night. Thi
Hair Loss, and What You Should Know.
Hair loss is a common problem in Malaysia that affects both men and women. We will discuss the causes of hair loss, its impact on individuals, and the available solutions to address this issue. Causes of Hair Loss Hair loss in Malaysia can be caused
Here's What You Need to Know About Pico Laser Treatment.
The name "Pico" has recently gained popularity in aesthetic medicine. It has become one of the most popular aesthetic treatments in Malaysia. Pico laser is not a laser machine brand or a trademark, but a laser technology. PICO LASER TREATMENT IS A LA
Keguguran Rambut , dan Apa Yang Patut Anda Tahu.
Klinik Dr Diana menawarkan rawatan keguguran rambut yang efectif dan berkesan di Selangor dan Seremban. Para doktor kami terlatih dalam menguruskan masalah keguguran rambut, terapi kulit kepala, dan teknik terkini untuk hasil yang berkesan.
Understanding Hair Loss among Malaysians.
Hair Renewal Clinic offers advanced and personalized hair loss treatments in Selangor and Seremban. Our expert doctors in managing hair loss, scalp therapies, and cutting-edge techniques for effective and long-lasting results
Perlukah Pakai Sunscreen di dalam Rumah ?
Klinik Dr Diana
Perlukah Pakai Sunscreen di dalam Rumah ? Sunscreen atau krim pelindung matahari adalah produk penjagaan kulit yang biasanya digunakan untuk melindungi kulit dari efek buruk sinar matahari yang mengandung sinar ultraviolet (UV). Namun, banyak orang b
Apa Itu Jeragat Timbul / Kutil / Seborrheic Keratosis ?
Klinik Dr diana
SEBORRHEIC KERATOSIS = JERAGAT TIMBUL = KUTIL adalah pertumbuhan kulit yang biasa ditemui pada orang dewasa, disebabkan peningkatan usia. Jerawat timbul cenderung untuk terjadi di kawasan muka dan badan dan sering kelihatan tidak sedap dipandang, men